Tuesday, December 8, 2009

♣ T T

I need 5 !!!!!

I know my blog is not really pretty. But I haven't done this blog thing before
But I tried my best.......
Ladies and gentlemen please............I need 5 !!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

♣ かんこくの おんがく (K-Pop)

I want to introduce かんこくの おんがく (K-Pop)!
This one is "Abracadabra" by BrownEyedGirls. ゆうめいな かしゅ(singer)です. "Abracadabra" is an Arabic word meaning "be as what I command to be" I hope I could have time to traslate the lyrics here....
At the Asian Allure, K-Pop members performed this song. I like them so much. Their dance is so absorbing! Aren't they sexy????LOL

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

♣ Trip to Spain and Portugal!

When I was in high school, I played "Samulnori", a かんこくの traditaional performance. Our team was quite ゆうめい that we were invited to perform at Spain and Portugal. During 11days of visit, we performed at various places including Plaza Mayor of Madrid. このしゃしんは I and わたしの team members.
とても たのしかったです。

♣ Ji-Sung Park

(First and second picture is Ji-Sung Park)
(Third picture is Dakayuki Morimoto)

I really like soccer. これは Ji-Sung Parkのしゃしんです。He is a ゆうめいな しゅうきゅう せんしゅ(soccer player)です。 Parkさんは かんこくの national soccer teamの しゅしょう(captain)です。He plays for マンセスタ ユナイチド(Manchester United FC) in English Premier League.

And I heard that 日本の しゅうきゅうせんしゅ(soccer player) だかゆき もりもと(Dakayuki Morimoto) might be playing in マンセスタ ユナイチド(Manchester United FC). Parkさん and もりもとさん might be playing in the same team! おもしろいですね!

Monday, November 30, 2009

◆ Junior-high 学校 graduation picture

This is my junior-high 学校 graduation picture. In かんこく, graduation ceremony is a big celebration. We take pictures(しゃしん) with each other, receive flowers and presents from lower classmates and friends, and ばんごはんを たべます with family at a big restaurant. This is when I was 15 years old. Do I look different? Can you see where I am?

◆ My favorite celebrity

Her なまえ is Minjeong Lee and she is a famous Korean actor.
She acted in "Boys over Flower" (花より男子) which is about Flower 4
Has anyone seen this soap drama? It was based on a にほんの comic and it was made into soap drama first in Taiwan, in にほん, and then in かんこく. Though she was not the leading actor, I think she is prettier than the leading actor. How old do you think she is? I was surprised when I found out that she is 27 years old! How is she? Does she look pretty to you guys too?

◆ 私の 毎日の せいかつ

I already posted my daily routine before but since we have learned more vocabularies, I think I can now be more specific about my daily routine.

私は ごぜん はちじに おきます。 シャワーを あびて、 はちじはんに 学校に いきます。じんるいがくと 日本語のと じんりがくと FYC じゅぎょうが あります。ごご いちじに きた がくしょくで ひるごはんを たべます。いちじはんに 私の りょうに かえて、さんじかんくらい ねます。 よじに うんどうを して、シャワーを あびます。 ぜんぜん ばんごはんを たべません。ごご はちじに 先生に メールを かいて、しゅくだいを します。ごご じゅういちじに ともだちと ピングポングを して、べんきょうします。 ごぜん よじにくらい ねます。

◆ 私の ともだち

これは 私の 韓国の ともだちの しゃしんです。Winter Breakに 韓国に いって、ともだちと あいます。They came to the airport when I left Korea. I really miss them!

Oh by the way, can you find me in the picture?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

◆ ブログ しゅくだい

blog しゅくだいを わすれました。わたしの へやの なかに ベッドが あります。ベッドの みぎに わたしの つくえが あります。 つくえの うえに あたらしい ラップトップが あります。つくえの ひだりに ほんだなが あります。 わたしの へやの ながに ソファが あります。 ソファの まえに テレビが あります。わたしの へやは きれいです。 どもだちの ブログに
いきました。 どもだちの ブログは とても おもしろいです。
I think I really need to put extra effort on ブログのしゅくだい
私は よく ブログのしゅくだいを わすれました。
In the beginning, 日本ごは やさしいでした。でも いま とてもむずかしいです

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

★ My daily routine

わたしは ごぜん はちじに おきます
ごぜん はちじはんに あさごはんを たべます
ごぜん きゅじはんに にほんごの じゅぎょうが あります
ごご にじに ひるごはんを たべます
わたしは としょがんで しゅくだいを します
ごぜん にじに しゃわあを あびます
ごぜん にじはんに ねます

Sunday, September 6, 2009

★ Why I wanna learn Japanese

Hello !
I want to learn Japanese language because I feel that it will be helpful when living in my country, South Korea, which is right beside Japan
Though Korea and Japan have had many conflicts throughout history, I think that doesn't matter anymore. It is true that still some Korean people hate Japan but I, on the other hand, actually like some features of Japan
When I was in my country, I was deeply interested in Japanese fashion such as the way Japanese people wear and their hair styles. When you carefull see me at the class, you will notice that my hair style and clothes are similar to that of Japanese young people.
Anyway, I am really happy that I can learn Japanese here. After studying hard, I will visit Japan one day :)

★ Self introduction

わたしの のとるだむの いちねんせいです
せんこうは びしねすです

Monday, August 31, 2009

♥ Hello!

My name is Moojung Lee and I am from South Korea
I know that my name is hard to pronounce for many of you, so you can just call me Moo :)

This is my first visit to the US, and so everything comes to me as confusing and overwheming
I am not yet accustomed to American culture
My English is not good. Please understand when I do not understand what you say
But I really want to make a lot of friends so I hope you people feel free to talk to me

Thank you