Monday, August 31, 2009

♥ Hello!

My name is Moojung Lee and I am from South Korea
I know that my name is hard to pronounce for many of you, so you can just call me Moo :)

This is my first visit to the US, and so everything comes to me as confusing and overwheming
I am not yet accustomed to American culture
My English is not good. Please understand when I do not understand what you say
But I really want to make a lot of friends so I hope you people feel free to talk to me

Thank you


  1. hey Moojung! I sorta have guessed you're Korean just like myself...haha I joined the class couple days late so didn't have much time to introduce myself, but doozo yoroshiku :)

  2. Welcome to the US! Doozo yoroshiku :)

  3. Hey Leeさん!I'm Jiayi, or Lousan which is called in Japanese class. I'm from China and it is also my FIRST time been to U.S.!so we are in the same boat =) and my English is not that good especially the listening one, haha but don't worry, everyone tells me that it will take about 1 or two months to get totally accustomed to or at least more used to the culture here than now. I still can't understand some of my classes now, but we can make it finnaly!=)がんつばて!fighting!A-za A-za haha i learned it from Love Fullhouse(the Korean Drama)
