Tuesday, September 15, 2009

★ My daily routine

わたしは ごぜん はちじに おきます
ごぜん はちじはんに あさごはんを たべます
ごぜん きゅじはんに にほんごの じゅぎょうが あります
ごご にじに ひるごはんを たべます
わたしは としょがんで しゅくだいを します
ごぜん にじに しゃわあを あびます
ごぜん にじはんに ねます

Sunday, September 6, 2009

★ Why I wanna learn Japanese

Hello !
I want to learn Japanese language because I feel that it will be helpful when living in my country, South Korea, which is right beside Japan
Though Korea and Japan have had many conflicts throughout history, I think that doesn't matter anymore. It is true that still some Korean people hate Japan but I, on the other hand, actually like some features of Japan
When I was in my country, I was deeply interested in Japanese fashion such as the way Japanese people wear and their hair styles. When you carefull see me at the class, you will notice that my hair style and clothes are similar to that of Japanese young people.
Anyway, I am really happy that I can learn Japanese here. After studying hard, I will visit Japan one day :)

★ Self introduction

わたしの のとるだむの いちねんせいです
せんこうは びしねすです